If you are interested in pursuing the hybrid model of publishing, where the author bears most of the up-front production costs in exchange for a much-higher share of proceeds from book sales, you are welcome to submit to Endless Sky Books.
What sets Endless Sky Books apart from most hybrid publishers is that it is an imprint of a traditional publisher, Shadowpaw Press, and books published through Endless Sky Books receive the same level of support from the publisher, sales force, and distributor as all other Shadowpaw Press titles.
Shadowpaw Press is a member of the Association of Canadian Publishers and Literary Press Group. Its titles are distributed in Canada and the U.S. by LitDistCo, with the support of their Sales Force, working in collaboration with Manda Group. Internationally, books are made available through Amazon and Ingram. Ebooks are also released widely.
Because Endless Sky Books is distributed as an imprint of Shadowpaw Press, it is highly selective in what it chooses to publish; only a few titles are selected each year.
If you would prefer to submit to Shadowpaw Press directly for traditional publishing, please visit the Shadowpaw Press website to see if submissions are currently being accepted.
New editions of previously published books
Authors with books previously published by a traditional publisher whose rights have reverted to them are welcome to submit those books for publication in a new edition through Endless Sky Books, to take advantage of Endless Sky’s distribution, sales, and publicity.
To submit to Endless Sky Books…
To submit an original work, please send a detailed query letter that includes a description of the book, any writing/publishing credits you might have (if any), ways in which you think you might be able to help promote the book, and any other information you think might be pertinent, along with a complete synopsis and three sample chapters.
To submit to Endless Sky Books’ reprint program, send a detailed query that includes information about the books previous publication, reviews, and other pertinent information, as well as, if possible, an electronic copy of the book, in EPUB, PDF, or Word format.
Email submissions to publisher@endless-sky-books.com. Please include QUERY in the subject line.
If your book is selected…
As noted above, if your book is accepted for release under this highly selective imprint, it will be distributed to bookstores, libraries, and retailers in Canada and the U.S. by LitDistCo and overseas will be available through Ingram and Amazon.
In addition, the books will also be sold through and promoted on the Endless Sky Books website and the Shadowpaw Press website, through the SaskBooks website, and at occasional in-person events such as conventions and trade shows, and will be included in various other online and offline marketing efforts as they become available. Authors will also receive publicity through Creative Edge Publicity Services. A management fee of 25 percent of net proceeds will apply, but no other additional costs beyond the initial expenses of publishing. The fee can be deducted from sales or billed to the author separately as preferred. If there are no sales, there are no additional fees.
While the contract for books published under the Endless Sky imprint will necessarily grant Endless Sky publishing rights, the contract can be terminated at any time, at which point all rights revert to the author. Sub-rights (for audiobooks, film adaptations, etc.) remain with the author unless he or she chooses to have Endless Sky manage them, in which case a management fee of 10 percent of net proceeds from licensing of those rights applies.
Authors under the Endless Sky imprint will receive ten free copies of their book upon publication and can order additional books at cost plus ten percent plus shipping.
Entry fees for award competitions are borne by the author, but Endless Sky Books will provide any copies required free of charge. The exception is for the Saskatchewan Book Awards: Endless Sky Books will enter any Saskatchewan-authored books, or books it thinks might be appropriate to enter in the publisher categories, in the Saskatchewan Book Awards at its expense.
Aside from a few ads in literary magazines featuring Shadowpaw Press titles in toto, paid marketing remains at the discretion and expense of the author. However, Endless Sky will assist in any way it can, and will support other author-led marketing efforts as possible.
Copyright remains with the author and a copyright notice to that effect will appear in all books and licensed materials related to the book.
More information
Any questions? Email publisher@endless-sky-books.com.